Cooperstown Central School District is defined by academic excellence and robust extracurricular activities. It’s also defined by a network of community partners dedicated to our students. These volunteer groups assist with a wide range of learning opportunities. From the classroom to the art studio and the auditorium stage to the playing field, the contributions from our community partners represent the best of what the greater Cooperstown area has to offer. If you are interested in volunteering with any of the community groups below, please contact them at the links provided.


student with wings display

The mission of the PTA is to be a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child. As an active PTA chapter, the Cooperstown PTA is able to participate in many of the state and national programs that the PTA has to offer and are recognized as a not-for-profit organization 501c3.

The Cooperstown PTA works to enhance and support Cooperstown Central School at the elementary, junior and high school level. The organization welcomes the participation of teachers, staff, parents and community members. The Cooperstown PTA raises funds and distributes them to help benefit students. It also coordinates volunteers as needed to help teachers. The PTA also produces a directory and plans events to help connect Cooperstown Central School District families.

The PTA can support projects and activities to assist the school community. Complete the PTA Request Form to apply.

The PTA meets the second Tuesday of the month in the library at the elementary school. Please email with suggestions, questions, to volunteer, or to become a voting member, or you can visit the PTA website and Facebook page for more information.



Friends of Cooperstown Central School Music and Art (FoMA) is an all-volunteer organization that was formed in 1994 to encourage, support and strengthen music and arts education within the Cooperstown Central School District and to promote parental involvement in public education.

FoMA works closely with music and art teachers at Cooperstown Central School. FoMA funds art awards, NYS School Music Association (NYSSMA) medals, Slam Poetry prizes and the Concerto Competition. Throughout the year, FoMA provides scholarships to students in grades K-12 attending arts and music-related camps and lessons. FoMA continues to provide every third grader with a recorder and a booklet of music which can be used in the classroom and at home.

FoMA meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month in the Jr./Sr. High School Library. FoMA welcomes and encourages public participation and ideas.

If you would like to receive emails about FoMA activities, or have a question about FoMA, email or speak to a member.

FoMA on Facebook

A print version of the scholarship application can be found here. For assistance in reading the material in the application, please email FoMA at or stop by the district office.


CFEE was created by a group of Cooperstown Central School District residents as a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation chartered by New York State. It operates independently from the school district for the sole purpose of channeling resources from the greater Cooperstown community to the district’s schools. While there are scholarships to help students to continue their education after graduation, a gift to CFEE provides a way for you to help students here in the Cooperstown District now and for many years in the future.

While some funds raised go into an endowment to support programs over the long-term, other funds are directly targeted at current activities. Both funding streams have the goal of bringing creative learning opportunities that will advance all students while they are here in our school. Funds received can be designated by donors for either the long term endowment or a specific activity or category of activity, for example, art, music, science/technology or literary.

CFEE Brochure

CFEE is always looking for projects and activities with which it can assist the school community and anyone can complete their CFEE grant application.

For assistance accessing or reading the above CFEE materials, please contact the District Office.



The purpose of the Sports Booster Club is to encourage, support and strengthen all interscholastic sports programs at Cooperstown Central School. The club provides the organization through which parental and community support of all student athletes and sports programs can be organized and channeled.

The Sports Booster Club hosts and the Annual Sports Banquet and Award Program, recognizing all Cooperstown varsity athletes. The club also handles concessions sales at Cooperstown sporting events, including football games; boys varsity soccer games; girls varsity soccer games; The Dick White Basketball Tournament; and The Don Howard Track Meet. Club members provide support for Homecoming activities, including contributions towards lighting for night games. The club also provides financial support for team needs that fall outside the school budget.

The club provided the concession stand near the athletic field's, which was made possible through its fundraising activities, for the 2017-2018 school year.


Throughout the year we utilize to organize volunteer shifts and donations for our events. Please look for our emails and Facebook posts to see where you can help!

Please know that sign-ups are encouraged for sporting events that your athlete is not actively participating in so that you do not miss their playing time.

Cooperstown Sports Booster Club Facebook Page



The Cooperstown Alumni Association strives to link former students of Cooperstown Central School District with each other; the current school community; and the students of tomorrow.

The Association is active in recognizing the achievements of former students as they happen, and in reflections about them as they occurred in the past. The Association also provides vital support of the school community through its networking and outreach.

The key word is “community.” The Cooperstown Alumni Association is a community that spans generations and the globe.

The Cooperstown Alumni Association may be found and contacted through its Facebook page.



The Angel Network of Cooperstown is a community-based organization dedicated to assisting families in need with children in the Cooperstown School District with daily living necessities, such as food, clothing and gas. Teachers and guidance counselors work together to identify students and families who may require assistance.

Every effort is made to preserve the privacy and dignity of the families who receive assistance. The identity of students who receive assistance is only known to the students’ teachers and guidance counselor.

Angel Network hosts a series of fundraisers throughout the year to support its cause.

Angel Network of Cooperstown