Hello, CCS Families! To ensure a successful first day of school tomorrow, your child will need to login to his/her school account today. Students need to access Google Classroom and join their classes prior to tomorrow's Zoom meetings. The Zoom meeting information is found in Google Classroom. As a reminder, use the new login email: firstname.lastname@cooperstowncs.org, which was distributed with your student's device. Please contact the help desk at 607.766.3800 if you have any issues logging into the account. They are available from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. only. Thanks so much!
over 4 years ago, William Crankshaw
TODAY, September 8th, 2020, CCS Students in grades 7-12 can continue to pick up devices and materials related to their coursework for 2020-2021 and CCS Students in grades 2-6 can pick up their materials related to their classroom assignments. Please wear masks and practice social distancing. All pick-up takes place at the CCS Jr./Sr. High School gymnasium 9:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
last pick-up date
Greetings CCS Families, You are receiving this communication regarding your student with special education needs at Cooperstown CSD. Last week a representative from the Pupil Personnel Services office likely contacted you regarding specific plans for your child. Since then, the COVID-19 crisis has required us to change our plans and ALL students must remain in a remote learning mode. Yesterday, the Otsego County Department of Health highly recommended schools engage in remote only learning through and including September 23rd. When DOH makes a statement to this effect we take it very seriously as health and safety are our first concern. With that said, the start date for any in person special education has changed to September 24th. I apologize for the frequent changes. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the office of Pupil Personnel at 607-547-4449. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Kevin J Kelly Director of Pupil Personnel Cooperstown CSD
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCS device and materials pick-up begins at noon today for CCS Grades 7-12. Please come to the entrance closest to the HS gymnasium, wear a mask and practice social distancing.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
pickup dates
gym pick-up
books pick-up
devices pick-up
Attention CCS families with students in Grades 7-12! CCS Jr./Sr. High School Principal Ann Meccariello has provided an update on curriculum and instruction for Grades 7-12 effective September 2, 2020 based on changes related to our response to Covid-19. Please find the PDF file here: https://5il.co/kk0l
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
sept 2 update 1
sept 2 update 2
Please see the updated pick-up information for ALL CCS students K-12.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Updated pick-up
Registration is open for the October 3, 2020 SAT exam at CCS Jr./Sr. High School. Deadline for registration is Friday, September 4, 2020 at www.collegeboard.org. For questions, please contact CCS Jr./Sr. High Counseling Office at 607-547-5300.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Please see the CCSD Press Release regarding Superintendent of Schools. For a link to this press release, please go to the Reopening Information page of the CCSD website. https://bit.ly/CCSReopeningInformationPage
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCSD Superintendent
UPDATED 8/26/2020 The 2020-2021 CCS student Supply List for Grades 7-12 can be viewed in the following attachment. It is also listed under Important Reopening Links of the Reopening Information page of the district website. For questions, please contact CCS Jr./Sr. High Principal Ann Meccariello at 547-8181. http://bit.ly/Grds7-12SupplyListUpdated8-26
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Supply list 7-12
As a follow-up to the CCS District family Zoom information meetings that took place last week, please find general frequently asked questions and answers regarding reopening. This document is located under important links on our website Reopening Information page at http://bit.ly/CCSReopeningInformationPage.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
The CCS Online Learning Guide contains helpful links and guides for CCS students and caregivers during online learning. A link to the page is located on our 2020-2021 Reopening Information page of the CCS district website. For questions, please contact Emily Gibson at egibson@cooperstowncs.org or Michelle Hitchcock at mhitchcock@cooperstowncs.org. Located at: https://sites.google.com/cooperstowncs.org/ccsonlinelearning/gsuite-for-education
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Onine Resources Page
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 (Cooperstown, NY) - To review the updated CCS District 2020-2021 Reopening Plan, please visit the 2020-2021 Reopening Information page of the CCS District website at cooperstowncs.org. https://www.cooperstowncs.org/o/cooperstown-csd
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCS District will hold a regular Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Please use the following link to join the webinar: https://E2CCB-GST.zoom.us/j/93925709580?pwd=a25KcEVIUmZzUWRvOWVuZnNEMHlKQT09 Passcode: 403693 Please visit the public Board Docs page on our CCS district website to access the BOE meeting agenda. For questions, please contact our CCS District office at 607-547-5364.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
August 19 BOE Meeting
Attention CCS 2020 Junior Ballroom Cotillion participants. Despite our best efforts, the 2020 Cotillion scheduled for August 28th has been cancelled. Please note, all Cotillion students from the 2020 cohort will be eligible to participate in the 2021 event. Further details will be shared in November regarding the 2021 Cotillion classes and formal event scheduled for May 7, 2021 at the Otesaga. Please contact cooperstowncotillion@gmail.com for further information.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Cooperstown Central School District will host two Board of Education Meetings this week via Zoom webinar. For further questions, please contact our district office at 607-547-8181. Special CCS Board of Education Meeting to Discuss Reopening Plan Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 6:00 PM Register in advance for this webinar: https://E2CCB-GST.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HMLOMXjcTJ-ds4sIpzn9xQ Regular CCS Board of Education Meeting Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://E2CCB-GST.zoom.us/j/93925709580?pwd=a25KcEVIUmZzUWRvOWVuZnNEMHlKQT09 Passcode: 403693
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
August BOE Mtgs
As we continue to prepare for the fall reopening of CCS, Jr./Sr. High School Principal Ann Meccariello has been taking time to provide each incoming 7th Grade student, along with one parent, a personal tour of the CCS Jr./Sr. High School facilities. Personal tours take place during July and August and students receive their schedule along with other personal information to help ease the process of moving into the Jr./Sr. High School facility. Personal tours will take the place of orientations that were previously cancelled due to closure during Covid-19. CCS looks forward to welcoming the Class of 2026 onto the Jr./Sr. High campus.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Class of 2026 Tours
As we continue to prepare for the fall reopening of CCS, Jr./Sr. High School Principal Ann Meccariello has been taking time to provide each incoming 7th Grade student, along with one parent, a personal tour of the CCS Jr./Sr. High School facilities. Personal tours take place during July and August and students receive their schedule along with other personal information to help ease the process of moving into the Jr./Sr. High School facility. Personal tours will take the place of orientations that were previously cancelled due to closure during Covid-19. CCS looks forward to welcoming the Class of 2026 onto the Jr./Sr. High campus.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Tour 1
Tour 2
Tour 3
Tour 4
The CCS District’s email system is being migrated from Gmail to Microsoft Outlook beginning July 31st at 3:00 PM until August 7th. During this time district staff will not have access to their email. Any emails sent to the district during this time will be received once the migration to Microsoft Outlook is completed. If you need to reach a CCS District Administrator during this time, contact information will be listed in the automated response to any email. Thank you for your patience as we continue to make changes to improve our technology and communication at CCS. For questions, please contact our district office at 607-547-5364.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Email migration
On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 7:00 PM, the CCS Board of Education will hold a special meeting for Board of Education Members to discuss and provide input on the CCS Reopening Plan. This meeting is open for the public to attend. Register in advance for this webinar: https://E2CCB-GST.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cFPUL0h2QtCnddfVh1B3-Q
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
hawkeye logo
Otsego County Summer Youth Employment Program is seeking additional participation. For more information, please contact Carly Sclafani, Otsego County Summer Youth Employment Counselor of Chenango-Delaware-Otsego (CDO) County Workforce at 607-432-4800.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Summer Youth Employment