ClassLink provides OneClick, which enables single sign-on (SSO) access to web and Windows applications, and instant access to files at school and in the cloud. Accessible from any computer, tablet or smartphone, ClassLink is ideal for 1:1 and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives, which Cooperstown Central School District is a part of.
ClassLink connects many district software and cloud accounts to one interface, which also stores usernames and passwords. This means no more needing to remember them, write them down, or access multiple lists around the buildings.
ClassLink uses your network credentials, which is the same login information you use on District computers, Chromebooks (students), BYOD WiFi, PowerSchool, … Make sure to not type out the domain name of your email address when putting your username in (don’t include or
All District staff and students are automatically enrolled in ClassLink, which can be used both on and off campus. You can also access your District network files via ClassLink, both on and off campus (as well as edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files - without needing Microsoft Office installed on your computer)! For more information, check out the additional helpful resources to the left.
If you have any notices, shortcuts to webpages, or programs that students log into online that are not in ClassLink, please complete an I.T. ticket in the portal, so we can push out what you would like. If you have user accounts already set up, even if generic, we can upload those as well, so students can have one-click access to their accounts – just let us know what students and/or grades will be using it.
*We have the ability to push it out to select students/staff members, by grade, by building, and to all students and staff.