CCS district families looking for support regarding residential technology connectivity may find the following LINKS to resources helpful. For more information, please contact David Bertram at Spectrum WiFi Remote Education Credit Program Spectrum Internet Assistance Webpage Spectrum WiFi Hotspot Location Look-Up Webpage Verizon Service Support FAQ during Covid-19 NY State Residential Broadband Availability Search Page Otsego Electric Cooperative Website
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Community Connectivity Resources
CCS Class of 2020 - Welcome to the Senior Support Project! CCS Staff have volunteered to support our Seniors during this time of closure due to Covid-19. Seniors have been randomly assigned to staff who will reach out to Seniors in their own unique way with special messages and expressions of appreciation. Everyone’s connection is unique and celebrates our individual Seniors. Cheers to the Class of 2020! For more information, please contact Rebecca Burk-Sciallo at
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCS Senior Support Project
Letter from CCS Superintendent Dr. Bill Crankshaw to district parents and guardians. The letter can be found on the “School Closure Information” page of the district website.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Updated Letter to Distrcit Families 4/16/2020
In the early weeks of closure to Covid-19, CCS English Teacher Rebecca Burk-Sciallo called on CCS staff to send encouraging messages to district families. Rebecca and her spouse Ralph Sciallo put their creative skills together to form a beautiful and entertaining artistic piece for our district students. As we continue to navigate these historic days, our CCS staff will continue to pursue ways to work in creative and unique ways to reach our CCS district families. Together we are a team and together we are CCS Strong!
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCS Strong Video
CCS Elementary Students who have not dropped off ORIGINAL Learning Packets from March may do so Mondays through Fridays 8:00am-4:00pm. The Elementary School drop box is located near the Main Entrance of CCS Elementary School.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
ESchool Learning Packets
The CCS Board of Education regular meeting will be held today, Wednesday 4/15/2020 at 7:00 p.m. Due to our current closure, today's meeting will be held through a Zoom webinar. All are welcome. Register in advance for this Zoom webinar with the following URL address:
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
BOE Meeting today
Monday, April 13, 2020 (Cooperstown, NY) - The CCS Counseling Office has started Google Classrooms for students in grades 7-8 and 9-12 as one way to help maintain connections between students and counselors. Invitations to CCS Counseling Google Classrooms were emailed to all CCS student accounts in the Jr./Sr. High School. These "classrooms" are being utilized to promote social-emotional health and provide students with optional activities to do, articles to read, and coping skills to try. They connect CCS students with several helpful resources during this school closure time. If you are a parent/guardian of a CCS student grades 7-12, please encourage your student(s) to join their corresponding CCS Counseling Office Google Classroom. CCS students can email Mrs. Roberts at with any questions or if they need the invitation link to be re-sent to them. Be well and stay safe everyone!
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Counseling Google Classroom
Thursday, April 9, 2020 - CCS Elementary School letter from Principal Ann Meccariello to district parents and guardians. The letter can be found on the “School Closure Information” page of the district website.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
With gratitude for all of the people in our Cooperstown community who continue to work tirelessly to keep us moving forward in a safe and healthy manner. Enjoy this poem written by CCS Kindergarten Aide, Dorothy Tang. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Thank You Poem
​Dear Families, Over the next several days, including next week, members of our wonderful support staff of aides,licensed teaching assistants, secretaries, and monitors from CCS will be conducting a wellness check on each and every family through a phone call. The phone call will come across as “private” because we are employing the use of *67 for privacy assurances. We hope this wellness check will find you healthy and able to share how things are going for your student during this time of school closure. Sincerely, Dr. Crankshaw, Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. Meccariello
almost 5 years ago, Wendy Lansing
If your CCS student has not yet dropped off the original packet of work that went home in March, it can be submitted through the Drop Box in the window to the left of the main entrance (room 129) of the CCS Jr./Sr. High School. Please be sure that the manila envelope still has student identification on the outside of it. If you have any questions, please contact or call 607-547-8181 for Jr./Sr. HS students or 607-547-9976 for Elementary School students.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Packet Drop-Off
Please note that meal pick-up for CCS famlies will take place at the CCS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL for the month of April 2020. Thank you and please stay safe.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Meal Program
The Governor has announced that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, NYS schools will now remain closed until April 29th. In addition, New York State Education Department Chancellor Betty Rosa announced that June Regents exams are cancelled. We are paying careful attention to each order and each announcement as it comes. More information will be forthcoming in the next few days regarding the extended school closure and impacts on our students, staff and community. As always, if you have questions you are encouraged to send them to You may also contact me directly at 607-547-5364 (office) or 518-844-8125 (cell). Be well and please stay safe. Dr. Crankshaw, Superintendent of Schools
almost 5 years ago, Wendy Lansing
Instructional Support Services of ONC BOCES has published a “Continuity of Instruction” page on the district website that offers many resources, including instructional, social-emotional, special education, and professional development. This will serve as a living document that will continue to be updated with knowledge and resources.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
BOCES Continuity of Instruction
A REMINDER TO OUR CCS DISTRICT FAMILIES REGARDING PACKET DROP-OFF/PICK-UP on April 2, 2020 New “paper and pencil” supplemental learning packets will be available to pick up on Thursday, April 2 at the CCS Elementary School bus circle for K-6 students, and the Junior-Senior High School bus circle for 7-12 students between 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. As each family picks up the new supplemental learning packets, please return the first learning packets that were given to you for your child on March 13 (JSHS) or March 16 (ES). This has caused some concern for faculty and families, especially students, who had thought that the first packets wouldn't be due until April 14th. Let's clarify the expectations: · If students have the first learning packets completed, they may be turned in on April 2 when the new learning packets are picked up. · However, don't worry - the first learning packets can be turned in on or around April 14 in a way that your principal or the district will communicate at a later time. Please understand that we want to continue learning throughout this period of closure, but in no way want people to feel stress beyond what COVID-19 has already brought. The first learning packet will not receive numerical grades. It will receive teacher feedback and be designated as either "complete" or "incomplete." The grading protocol for the second learning packet will be determined and communicated by the District. We hope this communication helps to alleviate concerns for the time being. Guidance and rules change each day as we go. We will try and communicate necessary information with you as we also wish you well. Be safe and stay well.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Instructional Packets Pick-up/Drop-off
NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo recently issued an executive order that any school board, library board, or village election scheduled in NY State for April or May of 2020 will now be delayed until at least June 1, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
NY Delay Vote
Corrected link: Letter to Families - March 31, 2020 (very sorry for the inconvenience)
almost 5 years ago, William Crankshaw
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Dear families - The pickup date for new Supplemental Learning Packets is April 2, and times for pickup are between 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. were erroneously left off of communications.
almost 5 years ago, William Crankshaw
We hope you are well! Please click for IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION INFORMATION - Letter to Families - March 31, 2020
almost 5 years ago, William Crankshaw
Please click here for an Important Evening Update pertaining to extended school closure through, and including April 14, 2020 - March 27, 2020
almost 5 years ago, William Crankshaw