Beginning Monday, May 11, CCS meals will be picked up at the Jr./Sr. High School location. This is a change from the previous location. CCS Food Service Department has been working hard to meet the needs of our CCS community and we are grateful for their efforts. For questions, please contact Melissa Rathbun at
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Meals pick-up
Food Service Staff
With great appreciation for CCS Teachers and Staff!
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
staff appreciation
CCS Custodial Staff member Bob Meehan waved goodbye to CCS Faculty and Staff today after 31 years of service to our district. As Meehan left the building for the last time today, staff and students lined the parking lot to wave goodbye and wish him well. CCS says thank you!
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Bob Goodbye
Bob Goodbye
Bob Goodbye
Bob Goodbye
The Cooperstown Central School Service Unit and Faculty Association have each donated $500 to both the Cooperstown Food Pantry and the Hartwick/Mt. Vision Food Pantry for $2,000 in total donations. These gifts will help provide emergency food assistance for area families. Members of the CCS Service Unit and CCS Faculty Association have also purchased gift baskets and food platters from local establishments and dropped them off with notes of appreciation to essential workers in our community. This effort will continue during closure due to Covid-19 as we celebrate essential workers who support the needs of our Cooperstown Community.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
The 2020 Mileage Club (Virtual Edition) kicks off at Cooperstown Elementary School today with a video announcement by Buddy Lippitt and Matt Hulbert, CCS Physical Education teachers. CCS Elementary students can log their individual miles in personal Google Classroom accounts. If you need assistance with access to your Google Classroom account, please contact or
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
2020 Mileage Club Kick-Off
Welcome to Cooperstown Elementary School VIRTUAL Museum Night - a year-long partnership with Cooperstown Elementary School and The Cooperstown Graduate Program. CGP students, pursuing a Masters Degree in Museum Studies, designed projects for each grade level to complete throughout the year. Interns worked with CCS students and teachers this year to explore Cooperstown’s place in the global community. Preparations were in place to celebrate our annual Museum Night to highlight this work however buildings were closed due to response to Covid-19. CGP students took a creative and fabulous twist to produce our VIRTUAL Museum Night 2020! Many thanks to the Cooperstown Graduate Program and their wonderful students for their work with our CCS Elementary School. Don’t miss this virtual tour!
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Museum Night 2020
Please read an important update from Superintendent Crankshaw
over 4 years ago, Wendy Lansing
The Cooperstown Central School Student Council will host a Blood Drive on Friday, May 1, 10:30am-3:30pm at the St. Mary’s Church in Cooperstown. Open to the public. Due to physical distancing during Covid-19, one person will be admitted at a time. For more information, please contact CCS Student Council Advisor Shannon Merwin at
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Blood Drive 5/1
CCS students and families throughout the district stopped by the Elementary School and the Jr./Sr. High School to drop off completed learning packets and pick up Phase III learning packets from teachers. CCS Class of 2020 was surprised with yard signs and bumper stickers coordinated by Class of 2020 parent Wendy Kiuber. Students from the Jr./Sr. High can still drop off work on May 1 in the drop box located next to the main entrance. Please be sure student drop-offs are properly labeled with student name and grade level.
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Senior Poster 1
Senior Poster 2
Senior Poster 4
Elementary School Pick-Up
Early in the morning and late into the evening, CCS Elementary School Teacher, Michealle Cole, has been sewing face masks for donation to area essential workers. She has sewed over 500 facemasks since school closure due to Covid-19. Mrs. Cole’s gifts of personal protection have been donated to Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown Center, Catskill Area Hospice, Robinson Terrace in Stamford NY, as well as many friends, colleagues and family. “It’s not how much you give, but how much love you put into giving.” - Mother Teresa
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Michelle Cole
Michealle Cole Sews
Michealle Cole Sews
If your CCS Student is taking an AP class this academic year, please note the currently adjusted AP Test Date Schedule for this academic year. A link to the test schedule can be found on the CCS Website - School Closure Information page. CCS Teachers are in contact with all AP students regarding test dates, times and new online formats. For more information about AP Tests during closure, please visit the College Board Website at - AP Test Date Schedule
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
AP Test Dates
TODAY! - A reminder that new CCS supplemental learning packets will be available to pick up TODAY - Thursday, April 30, 11am-7pm at both CCS buildings. As each family picks up Phase III supplemental learning packets, please return the second learning packets. Elementary and Jr./Sr. High Library books may also be dropped off on this day. If you are a Jr/Sr High student, your second learning packet can also be dropped off on Friday, May 1 in the Jr./Sr. High drop-box. However, all packet pick-ups will take place on April 30. For questions, please call 607-547-9976 (Elementary School) and 607-547-8181 (Jr./Sr. High School).
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Packet Pick-Up today
During closure due to Covid-19, CCS English Teacher Rebecca Burk-Sciallo decided to bring snail mail back into fashion and spread a little sunshine. For the past several weeks, Mrs. Burk-Sciallo has been sending postcards and letters with trendy stickers to CCS students throughout the district and she plans to expand her simple joy of giving throughout the district in the weeks to come. Thank you Mrs. Burk-Sciallo for celebrating the gift of giving in our CCS community. As poet Maya Angelou said, “People will never forget how you made them feel.”
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Splash Snail Mail
Below is the process CCS students and families can use to obtain Working Papers during the school closure: 1. Call the CCS Main Office (547-8181) to arrange for pick up of the working papers application. 2. An envelope with the student’s name will be placed on the pick-up table at the JSHS Main Entrance. 3. Inside the envelope will be the working papers application with the sections highlighted for completion. Return the completed application in the drop-off slot near the pick-up table. 4. Once completed, call the CCS Main Office to arrange for pick-up of the working card. 5. Students need to be present at pick-up to sign for the card. A photo of the student signing the card will need to be emailed to Ms. Krug at For questions, please contact the CCS Main Office at 547-8181 or
over 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Working Papers during closure
All patients and families enrolled in Bassett Healthcare Network’s School Based Health Center can still reach the SBHC team by calling 844-ALL-SBHC (844-255-7242) (toll free). Monday –Friday 8am-4pm The SBHC team is able to help by: - Answering questions about general health concerns as well as COVID-19 specific concerns - Renewing SBHC patient prescriptions - Scheduling visits with SBHC Mental Health Clinicians using telemedicine. A computer, tablet or smartphone and internet connection is all that is needed for this. - Scheduling visits with our Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistant using telemedicine technology. SBHC is able to care for patients with illnesses and follow up on ongoing conditions such as asthma, depression requiring medication and ADD/ADHD. - Completing request forms or letters for SBHC patients.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Bassett SBHC
A reminder that new CCS supplemental learning packets will be available to pick up on Thursday, April 30, 11am-7pm at both CCS buildings. As each family picks up Phase III supplemental learning packets, please return the second learning packets. Elementary and Jr./Sr. High Library books may also be dropped off on this day. If you are a Jr/Sr High student, your second learning packet can also be dropped off on Friday, May 1 in the Jr./Sr. High drop-box. However, all packet pick-ups will take place on April 30. For questions, please call 607-547-9976 (Elementary School) and 607-547-8181 (Jr./Sr. High School).
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Packet Drop-off/Pick-up
Do you have a child to enroll in Kindergarten at Cooperstown Central School District this fall? If you haven't already notified the school, please call 607-547-9976 to let us know. Remember that your child must be 5 years old on or before December 1, 2020 to begin Kindergarten this fall.
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
K Registration
Spend the next 5 minutes with our Cooperstown Central School community as you laugh, smile and maybe even shed a tear. You won’t regret it!
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCS Strong Together Video post
Please see today’s letter from Superintendent Dr. Bill Crankshaw as well as the supporting document for CCS Phase III of the Academic Continuity Plan to CCS District parents and guardians. The letter and supporting document can be found on the “School Closure Information” page of the district website. Link to District Letter:
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
District Letter & Document 4/23/2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 (Cooperstown, NY) - April notes from CCS Jr./Sr. High Principal Kristin Butler to district parents and guardians. The notes can be found on the “School Closure Information” page of the district website. (April Notes related to academics for CCS Jr./Sr. High Students)
almost 5 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
April Jr/Sr High Academic Notes