Volunteers are needed for the PTA Holiday Pancake Breakfast. Go to https://cooperstown.memberhub.com/ for more information and to sign-up to help.
about 2 years ago, CCS Library
Good afternoon. Recently we asked families to complete a survey regarding their transportation needs. As a follow-up, a Student Transportation Verification/Change Form for each student is being mailed home today. In order to get them out in as timely a manner as possible, separate forms were mailed for each student, so for families with multiple children enrolled in our schools please forgive the overload. If you need to make changes to the information or you require transportation for one or more of your children to and/or from a location other than your residence, please return the form as soon as possible so we can determine whether or not we can accommodate the request. If no changes are necessary, we ask that you please return the form at your earliest convenience. Best regards, Amy Kukenberger
over 2 years ago, Amy Kukenberger
Cooperstown CSD is Hiring! Check out the Employment Opportunities at www.cooperstowncs.org
over 3 years ago, Wendy Lansing
Go Hawkeyes!
Show your school pride year-round! Cooperstown CSD now has a dedicated year-round store to purchase customized merchandise for any weather, style, and budget. Choose customized apparel from brands like The North Face, Nike, and Under Armour. The new store can be found at this link https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/new_york/cooperstown/cooperstown-high-school or right on the Cooperstown CSD website Athletic's page. All items will be shipped directly to you right after you place the order. GO HAWKEYES!
over 3 years ago, CCS Athletics
Image of apparel and merchadise with Cooperstown Central School logo.
SUNY (State University of NY) is excited to announce their spring virtual college fairs targeted to current High School Juniors and their families! Thursday, April 22, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Saturday, April 24, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Saturday, May 22, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Go to http://bit.ly/SUNYCollegeFairs for links to each date The fair will include representatives from nearly every SUNY campus. During the fair, students will be able to communicate with campus representatives using text and video chat. These unique virtual events provide time and access to explore all of the opportunities at The State University of New York: challenging academics; innovative research; global study; and financial support. If interested in attending any of these events, please register at www.suny.edu/attend/events/virtual-college-fair/.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
SUNY College Fairs
Authors, musicians and storytellers Dr. Joseph Bruchac and his son Jesse Bruchac joined CCS students today in separate virtual events designed for students in grades K-12. Students enjoyed stories and songs from their Native American ancestry. A proud Nulhegan Abenaki citizen and respected elder among his people, Dr. Bruchac reminded us that music can call us together and remind us of a time of rebirth, especially during springtime. His son Jesse reminded students to enjoy listening and learning through storytelling, music and books. Dr. Bruchac spoke of the years of research, writing and rewriting that went into CodeTalkers, a novel about a fictional Navajo Code Talker from World War II. Students shared their interests and asked questions throughout these virtual events. Many thanks to CCS Library Media Specialist Michelle Hitchcock and the Cooperstown PTA for making this event possible for our CCS students in Grades K-12. Dr. Joseph Bruchac is an author of more than 120 books. He holds a B.A. from Cornell University, an M.A. in Literature and Creative Writing from Syracuse and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the Union Institute of Ohio. For more information, go to https://www.josephbruchac.com
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Bruchac 1
Bruchac 2
Bruchac 3
The following meetings of the CCS Board of Education will take place on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 in the CCS Jr./Sr. High School cafeteria. Meetings are available via Zoom Webinar LINKS. Presentation of the Initial 2021-2022 Budget at 6:00 pm: https://bit.ly/BOEBudgetPresentationMtgs Regular BOE Meeting at 7:00pm: https://bit.ly/BOEMtg0317 Links are also available on BoardDocs of the CCS District Website.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
BOE mtgs
CCS National Honor Society is organizing a CCS district-wide food drive during the month of March to benefit the Cooperstown Food Pantry. CCS participating Honor Society students will deliver the collected food to the pantry during the first week of April. Many thanks to CCS Senior Maya Stevens for her graphic design work on the CCS food drive flyers. For questions, please contact CCS NHS Advisor Monica Wolfe at mwolfe@cooperstowncs.org.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
food drive 1
food drive 2
CCS Thespians will host auditions for the CCS Spring Musical on March 24th and March 25th in the CCS Auditorium. Auditions are open to CCS students in grades 9-12. Please see the attached flyer for details and contact CCS Music Teacher Tim Iversen for further information. CCS Thespians will perform Jason Robert Brown’s “The Last Five Years” on June 3rd-6th.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CCS Thespians
This week’s edition of the Hawkeyes Express includes classroom news, exciting information about visiting authors, and other helpful information from across the district. Hawkeyes Express provides weekly district news and links that support our CCS families with on-going communication and information. Access to the latest newsletter file can be found at the Hawkeyes Express link at the top of the CCS homepage. Previous issues can also be located through the “Hawkeyes Express Issues” button at the top of the Menu options of our district website. Let’s Go Hawkeyes! Week of 3/15/2021: http://bit.ly/HawkeyesExpress0315
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
HE 3/15
CCS High School Students: CCS Advisor Shannon Merwin presents the attached schedule of upcoming CFES Brilliant Pathways virtual opportunities for the period including March 8-19, 2021. Also attached is the Kansas City Chiefs Sports Management flyer scheduled for Friday, March 19, 2021 at noon. You can also find all pre-recorded webinars and virtual college tours on the CFES website under the drop-down menu: What We Do/Virtual Opportunities. https://brilliantpathways.org/virtual-opportunities/ If interested, check out the following link to the mentoring webinar entitled Mentoring in a Virtual World featuring GMU’s Heather Wilcox. https://brilliantpathways.org/events/webinar-mentoring-in-a-virtual-world/. For questions, contact CCS Advisor Shannon Merwin at smerwin@coperstowncs.org.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
CFES calendar
CFES Chief opportunity
CCS Battle of the Books (BOB) students used their March meetings and other times to create activities for the upcoming PARP week celebration. Students created eight-page booklets, which will be used for the "Write Your Own Story" PARP activity. CCS BOB Students also made Mad Libs word games, word finds, and bookmarks for the students to enjoy throughout their week celebrating reading, books, and libraries. Let’s Go CCS Battle of the Books, led by Library Media Specialist Michelle Hitchcock!
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
BOB 2021
NEW LINK to Boys Varsity Basketball Senior Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phyTl4bXNyI
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
This week’s edition of the CCS Hawkeyes Express includes classroom news, community resources and important updates from across the district. Hawkeyes Express provides weekly district news and links that support our CCS families with on-going communication and information. The weekly updated PDF file will continue to be shared with CCS district families through email notification. Access to the latest newsletter file can be found at the Hawkeyes Express link at the top of the CCS homepage. Previous issues can also be located through the “Hawkeyes Express Issues” button at the top of the Menu options of our district website. Let’s Go Hawkeyes! Week of 2/8/2021: http://bit.ly/HawkeyesExpress0208
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
HE 0208 Graphic
Parents of CCS Elementary Students, During this time of COVID, and in an effort to continue keeping our students and staff safe, we are asking that no valentines be brought in from home. While we know this is nontraditional, it is a way we can continue containing germs from one another during the exchange. Teachers will be doing their own activities during class instead of a valentine exchange to make the day special. Continued support is always appreciated as we work toward our common goal of safety for all. Additionally, no treats from home such as birthday cupcakes or even packaged goods are to be shared in the classroom. Thank you. Respectfully, Tracy Durkee ​Tracy Durkee Elementary Principal Cooperstown Central Schools
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Valentines Message
REMINDER to CCS Parents/Guardians Grades K-8: CCS Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades K-8 are invited to join CCS Administration for a Zoom Information Session regarding the fulltime return of K-8 Students by March 1st. Please join us either date: Mon. Feb. 8th at 12:00pm or Tue. Feb. 9th at 6:30pm Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/K-8ZoomInfoMtgCCS For questions, please contact the CCS Elementary main office at 607-547-9976 or the CCS Jr./Sr. High School at 607-547-8181.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
parent info meeting
Sunday, February 7, 2021 (Cooperstown, NY) - The CCS Board of Education will meet on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 5:30 PM via Zoom webinar. For register and access to the Zoom webinar, use the following link: http://bit.ly/BOEMtg02102021 Zoom webinar information can always be accessed through Board Docs on the CCS website: Copy and paste the following address into your web browser: https://E2CCB-GST.zoom.us/j/93925709580?pwd=a25KcEVIUmZzUWRvOWVuZnNEMHlKQT09 Passcode: 403693 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465189805,,93925709580# or +16468769923,,93925709580# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 518 9805 or +1 646 876 9923 Webinar ID: 939 2570 9580
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
BOE Mtg 2/10
Friday, February 5, 2021 (Cooperstown, NY) - CCS Superintendent Romona N. Wenck has released a letter to district families regarding updates in athletics, open gym, return to school and a reminder of the importance of Covid-19 safety precautions. http://bit.ly/CCSSuperintendentLetter0205
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Superintendent Letter 2/5/2021
Friday, February 5, 2021 (Cooperstown, NY) - CCS Principal Tracy Durkee has released a letter to district families regarding traffic changes beginning Monday, February 8, 2021 for the Walnut Street block located directly in front of the CCS Elementary School. Also noted in the letter are other details regarding morning drop-off for CCS Students in grades K-6. This letter will also be mailed to CCS student homes in grades K-6. http://bit.ly/CCSElementaryPrincipalLetter0205
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
Elementary Letter 2/5/2021
CCS Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades K-8 are invited to join CCS Administration for a Zoom Information Session regarding the fulltime return of K-8 Students by March 1st. Please join us either date: Mon. Feb. 8th at 12:00pm or Tue. Feb. 9th at 6:30pm Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/K-8ZoomInfoMtgCCS For questions, please contact the CCS Elementary main office at 607-547-9976 or the CCS Jr./Sr. High School at 607-547-8181.
almost 4 years ago, Cooperstown CSD
K-8 Info Meetings